Discover Christmas traditions around the world🎄
A Cultural & Literary Exploration in English class
Let your students explore different Christmas quizzes ❄️ like analyzing festive songs 🎶, and chatting with different people about Christmas in Australia, Christmas in Great Britain, or Christmas in the USA. This allows them to discover Christmas traditions around the world 🌍. They can also dive into a Christmas reading comprehension focused on sustainability and consumption 🌱, chat with Santa Claus 🎅 and the Grinch 👹 to understand the meaning of Christmas, or be inspired to write their own creative holiday stories. ✍️

Analyze a Christmas Song or Poem
Explore literary devices and rhyme schemes in Christmas songs or poems and discover their significance for understanding the song or poem of your choice.

Christmas in Australia
Discover how Christmas is celebrated in Australia by chatting with Jack. Learn more about the traditions and food at the beach.

Christmas in England
Explore English Christmas traditions through a chat with Emily and her family. Learn how they celebrate December 25th.

Christmas in the USA with John
Discover Christmas customs in the USA through a conversation with John, who tells you about the celebrations and traditions.

Christmas, Consumption and Sustainability
Students read a text about Christmas, consumption, and sustainability (350 words) and answer questions about it.

Santa Claus
Students have the opportunity to chat with Santa Claus to learn about Christmas traditions and the story of this legendary gift-bringer.

The Grinch
Let your students discover the true meaning of Christmas by interviewing The Grinch from Dr. Seuss’s ‚How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

Writing a Christmas Story
Students write their own creative Christmas story with AI support.
Diese Weihnachtsübungen könnten Dir gefallen
Christmas in the English Classroom
Explore Christmas Traditions Around the World
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