William Shakespeare
Students engage in a conversation with William Shakespeare to explore his life, famous works, and contributions to English literature.
Students engage in a conversation with William Shakespeare to explore his life, famous works, and contributions to English literature.
Students will engage in a conversation with Rosa Parks to learn about her significant contributions to the civil rights movement and the Montgomery bus boycott.
Students will engage in a chat with Michelle Obama to learn about her life, her work, and her advocacy for education and healthy living.
Students will engage in a conversation with Margaret Atwood to learn about her life, her famous works, and her impact on literature.
Students will engage in a conversation with Queen Elizabeth II to learn about her life, reign, and dedication to service.
Students will engage in a debate on ‘The UK: Tradition vs. Modernity,’ taking on the role of a young British entrepreneur advocating for modernity and innovation, while the AI represents a historian who values the preservation of British traditions.
Students participate in a discussion on ‘Organic Farming vs. GMO,’ taking the role of an organic farmer who supports organic farming for health and environmental reasons. The AI plays the role of a biotech scientist advocating for GMOs.
Students will engage in a discussion about the impact of technology on communication, representing the viewpoint of a communication specialist who believes technology improves communication.
Students will engage in a discussion about the impact of social media, taking on the role of a social media influencer who believes in its positive potential. The AI will play the role of a concerned parent who views social media as harmful to teenagers.
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