Impact of Social Media
Chat Debate

Impact of Social Media

Students will engage in a discussion about the impact of social media, taking on the role of a social media influencer who believes in its positive potential. The AI will play the role of a concerned parent who views social media as harmful to teenagers.

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Ethical Fashion
Chat Debate

Ethical Fashion

Students will engage in a discussion on ‘Ethical Fashion vs. Fast Fashion,’ taking on the role of a fashion designer advocating for ethical and sustainable fashion.

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Stylistic Devices
Exam Coach

Stylistic Devices

Students will explore and practice identifying and interpreting stylistic devices, including metaphors, similes, and personification, with the help of an AI assistant.

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Narrative Techniques
Exam Coach

Narrative Techniques

Students can explore different narrative techniques such as first-person, third-person, and omniscient narration, ask questions, and get test questions for review.

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Grammar and Punctuation
Exam Coach

Grammar and Punctuation

Students can review and practice grammar rules and punctuation usage with the help of an AI assistant, ask specific questions, or get test questions for review.

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Drama Analysis
Exam Coach

Drama Analysis

Students will engage with an AI to analyze the elements of drama, including plot, characters, and dialogue, to enhance their understanding and critical thinking skills.

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The Role of Narrators
Task Assistant

The Role of Narrators

Students will explore how different types of narrators influence a story’s perspective and meaning, guided by an AI tutor.

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Themes in Shakespeare
Task Assistant

Themes in Shakespeare

Students will explore recurring themes in Shakespeare’s plays and discuss their relevance in today’s world with the help of an AI assistant.

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Dystopian Fiction
Task Assistant

Dystopian Fiction

Students will explore the characteristics and themes of dystopian fiction through an interactive chat with an AI assistant, enhancing their understanding and critical thinking skills.

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